Category: Culture


Mountain Medicine: Remedies of the Granny Women

Mountain Medicine: Remedies of the Granny Women

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the hills and hollers of Old Appalachia, long before hospitals dotted the landscape, there were the granny women. They were the healers, midwives, and wisdom-keepers of mountain communities, blending herbal medicine, faith, and folklore to treat everything from fevers to broken bones. Their remedies, whispered prayers, and practical knowledge formed the backbone of Appalachian folk medicine. This art has […]

Helvetia Fasnacht: A Swiss Festival in Appalachia

Helvetia Fasnacht: A Swiss Festival in Appalachia

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the quiet town of Helvetia, West Virginia, the final days before Lent don’t pass unnoticed. They are celebrated with Helvetia Fasnacht, bringing a parade of masked revelers and the steady thumping of old-world music to the town’s streets and parks. Picture it: masked figures dancing through the streets, firepits crackling, and the spirit of a Swiss tradition burning bright. […]

Love and Marriage in Old Appalachia

Love and Marriage in Old Appalachia

Reading Time: 4 minutesAnother Valentine’s Day looms ahead. Some young ladies will be expecting gifts; some young men will hustle at the last minute to grab flowers or candy or secure a coveted dinner reservation. Others, perhaps, will be carefully crafting the perfect message for an online dating profile or swiping through apps, searching for a spark of connection. Though the settings and […]

Tommyknockers: Folklore and Survival in Coal Mining

Tommyknockers: Folklore and Survival in Coal Mining

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the heart of Appalachia’s coal country, where few see daylight, a chilling folk tale persists: Tommyknockers. In the dark, cramped tunnels, miners whisper about these mysterious beings who knock on walls and steal tools. Their knocks sometimes serve as warnings—a signal to flee before disaster strikes. Whether guardian angels or tricksters, Tommyknockers, aka Knockers, are an enduring part of […]

The Secret Quilt Codes of the Underground Railroad

The Secret Quilt Codes of the Underground Railroad

Reading Time: 4 minutesImagine a quilt hanging on a clothesline, fluttering gently in the breeze. To a casual observer, it’s just a piece of fabric, a practical household item airing out in the sun. But for some, it might have been a covert message—a guide to freedom for those enslaved in the 19th century. Could quilts have been used as secret codes in […]

Appalachian Christmas Superstitions You Won’t Believe

Appalachian Christmas Superstitions You Won’t Believe

Reading Time: 6 minutesPicture this: it’s Christmas morning, and you’re rushing to get the cinnamon rolls in the oven, clear the wrapping paper carnage, and maybe post a perfectly filtered photo of your tree on social media before the dog eats the ornament hooks. Imagine trying to do all that while worrying that sweeping the floor might doom your entire year or that […]

Over The Moon for Moon Pie: From Coal Mines to Cultural Icon

Over The Moon for Moon Pie: From Coal Mines to Cultural Icon

Reading Time: 5 minutesThere are snacks, and then there’s the Moon Pie. It’s the kind of treat that holds a certain charm, sitting on the shelves of country stores, its chocolate-coated promise tempting anyone with a taste for something classic. Moon Pies have been around for over a century and are more than just a cookie with marshmallow filling. They symbolize ingenuity and […]

The Scots-Irish Influence on Southern Appalachian Dialect

The Scots-Irish Influence on Southern Appalachian Dialect

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’m not a hillbilly, but I can sure sound like one when I want to. I grew up around Washington, DC, in a family of Appalachian Southerners. Their accent rolled off my tongue like gravy over biscuits. Over the years, I’ve worked hard to overcome my Southern Appalachian dialect. But I can drop back into it quick as a hound […]

Old Christmas in Appalachia: Celebrating Tradition

Old Christmas in Appalachia: Celebrating Tradition

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn the heart of Appalachia, when winter settles deep into the valleys and the mountains stand quiet under a blanket of frost, a different kind of Christmas takes place. While most of the world celebrates on December 25, some Appalachian communities hold on to a much older tradition. Old Christmas, celebrated on January 6. It’s a day steeped in history, […]

Grits: The Mashed Potatoes of the South

Grits: The Mashed Potatoes of the South

Reading Time: 4 minutesImagine you’re in an Appalachian kitchen, the aroma of a hearty breakfast wafting through the air. The scent of sizzling bacon mingles with the rich, buttery fragrance of grits bubbling on the stovetop. But grits aren’t just breakfast food. When it comes to dinner, grits can easily step in where you might typically find potatoes. Meat, fish, and fowl entrees […]

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