The Rescue of Jemima Boone and the Callaway Sisters

Reading Time: 4 minutes

three girls in a canoe
the young women were canoeing within sight of the fort when they were abducted.

The Abduction

On the Western Frontier of Virginia in 1776, life was a delicate balance between survival and danger. Boonesborough, in Kentucky County, VA, had been settled just a year earlier. A tenuous treaty between a handful of tribal leaders and the British government allowed the settlement. But many native warriors didn’t give a hoot about the White Man’s politics—they wanted to get rid of the settlers and protect their lands from encroachment.

On July 14, 1776, Jemima Boone—Daniel Boone’s daughter—along with Elizabeth and Frances Callaway—daughters of Colonel Richard Callaway—took a canoe ride on the Kentucky River within view of the fort. It was a rare moment of leisure for the frontier girls. As they enjoyed themselves, they were abducted by a raiding party of five native warriors—two Cherokee and three Shawnee. The girls were seized, pulled from the canoe, and dragged into the forest.

The captors, led by the Cherokee leader Hanging Maw, intended to take the girls north, across the Ohio River, to Shawnee territory. They had to move quickly. The trip would take a few days, and they knew they would be pursued. The girls, terrified but resourceful, left subtle signs along the way: broken branches, bits of fabric, and footprints to guide any would-be rescuers. Their captors, however, soon noticed these efforts and threatened them to stop.

rescue party
The rescue party tracks the Shawnee and Cherokee warriors.

The Pursuit

When the abduction was discovered, Boonesborough erupted. Boone and Calloway organized a rescue party. The group began their chase with little more than faint tracks and broken foliage to guide them. Boone’s skill as a woodsman was legendary, and his ability to read the land proved critical. The party moved quickly and silently.

The rescuers found fresher signs as the pursuit stretched into its third day. A piece of fabric torn from a dress, a fresh footprint in the mud—each discovery fueled their resolve. They knew they were drawing closer, but they also knew the captors wouldn’t give up the girls without a fight. Their anxiety was high. Wouldn’t yours be if it were your child that had been taken?

Native American and frontiersman fight
In the melee, two warriors died, and three escaped.

The Rescue of Jemima Boone and the Calloway Sisters

On the morning of the fourth day, the rescue party came upon the captors’ camp. Unaware of how closely they were being followed, the warriors had stopped to prepare a meal. The girls sat nearby, guarded but unharmed. Boone and his men moved silently through the brush, positioning themselves for a surprise attack.

With precision and speed, the rescuers launched their assault. The crack of Boone’s rifle broke the stillness, followed by a flurry of gunfire and shouts. Two of the captors were killed, and the rest fled into the forest, leaving the girls behind in the chaos. It was over as quickly as it had begun.

Jemima Boone’s relief was immediate and heartfelt. Upon hearing the first shot, she recognized the sound of her father’s rifle and exclaimed, “That’s daddy’s!” Within moments, she and her friends were safely in the arms of their rescuers. It was a rare victory in a time and place where abductees were usually never seen again.

A Frontier Legacy

The rescue of Jemima Boone and the Callaway sisters became one of the most celebrated stories of the American frontier. For Daniel Boone, the episode solidified his reputation as a legendary frontiersman. His ability to track and outwit his adversaries was impressive.

The incident also highlighted the constant dangers those living on the frontier faced. For settlers, every trip beyond the safety of the stockade was fraught with risk.

Beyond its historical significance, the rescue story resonated deeply in American culture. It inspired James Fenimore Cooper’s 1826 novel The Last of the Mohicans, which features a fictionalized account of a similar abduction and rescue. While Cooper’s work took creative liberties, its popularity speaks to the power of such stories to shape the nation’s view of its frontier heritage.

The rescue party returns with the young women.

Reflection: Courage and Resilience

The rescue of Jemima Boone and the Callaway sisters reminds us of the complexities of early American history. The conflict between settlers and Native American tribes was shaped by competing claims to land and resources and the broader geopolitical struggles of the Revolutionary War. While Boone and his men were heroes in the eyes of their community, their actions took place within a context of ongoing violence and displacement that profoundly affected Native American populations.

As we imagine Boone leading his daughter and her friends safely back to Boonesborough, rifle in hand, we’re left with a vivid picture of a man and a community determined to press on. The rescue wasn’t just a personal triumph for Boone but a symbol of the grit and resilience that defined the American frontier.

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